hits and misses

               Even though English is not my strong suit, and most wring assignments that I do aren't the best out there, I feel like some of them were better than others. Through out this English one class Dr.D has pushed us to do our best a every thing that we do. For me this pressure did good and bad things, hits and misses. If I felt like I "missed" on something I always found a way to improve myself in that aspect of writing with Dr.D's help. Out of all the assignments, papers and projects that we have done this year I feel like most of them have been misses, however there have been a few hits that mean even more now because of the large amounts of misses. 

               In this English one class we have done everything from blogs to books to personal narratives. One of my biggest hits has been vocabulary.com I really feel as if my vocabulary has widened very much. I also feel as if the personal narrative was a hit because I got to chose what I was writing about. Some of my misses were blog posts, literary analysis and the purple hibiscus menu. Blogs posts to me are just busy work that students are doing for a 20 point grade. The literary analysis was hard for me because I am not good at reading in the first place. Finally, the purple hibiscus menu was to must work and it was very overwhelming.


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