new semester reflection

Three thing that I learned in the fall semester that I can use in the spring semester are that tutorial is a very important and useful time, take good notes so that when exams come around you are prepared to study, and to use your time wisely especially while participating in afterschool activities. If you don’t use your teacher’s knowledge at tutorial you are more likely to make bad grades. During the first quarter I came to a realization that high-school is a big step up. So a good way to adjust to this step up is to create ways to help success like setting reminders and setting goals.
You can set reminders on your laptop using the reminders app or using the calender built into your computer. You could also use a paper calenderer to keep track of your stuff. These are two techniques that I use to try to help me to remember to do my work. My goals for this semester are to make As and Bs while participating in baseball.


  1. I completely agree with using tutorial time. good job :)

  2. I agree with you that it was kinda tricky balancing school and after school activities in the first semester. Hopefully learning ways from the first semester will help out in the next semester. Nice job!

  3. Glad to here about what you learned. Thanks for the tips.

  4. I very much agree with your helpful tips. I will definitely use these tips! Good job bro

  5. I definitely agree that utilizing time productively at school is a huge priority. These are great goals, hope they turn out well!


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