Vocal post

               When Captain Red Beard Woke up he had a strong desire to sail the seas in search for treasure. So, he put on his eye patch, fed his parrot, and rounded up his crew. Once in the boat the buccaneers mapped out there course from the torn old map. Next, the crew prepared the ship for the waters. Once, the sails were up and all was good the they sailed into the tropical abyss.
               As the ship arrived to the destination a shark blitzed and rammed the side of the vessel casing it to slowly sink. All of the men were terrified because they realized that they would have to swim to shore in the shark infested waters. Once the pirates washed up on the beach they continued there reach for the treasure. Eventually, they found the large wooden box full of gold. However, Captain Red Beard realized that he had fulfilled his desire to obtain treasure, but had nothing to spend his booty on.


  1. This story was very nice and the vocabulary words fit perfectly into it. Great job and I like the how intense it got in the middle.


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