Bob's Blues week 5

                    As Bob was leaving his aunts funeral he felt a cloud of darkness drift over him. He felt sick inside but he wasn't so sure why. As Bob was trying to overcome this feeling a street band started to play blues music. This set Bob over the edge. Bob sat down on a bench and started to cry. He cried about all of his lost family and friends. He also cried about all the things in life that weren't going his way. Bob saw all of the happy dads throwing the ball with there sons, all of of the cute puppies playing with there owners, and all the couples holding hands. As Bob sat on his bench next to the cemetery he wondered if this dark cloud would ever go away so he could be happy like all the other people around him.

In this story the "dark cloud" and the blues music represent Bob grief and un happiness.


  1. I liked how you portrayed Bob's feelings throughout the story. This is a very good story about symbolism.


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