
Showing posts from November, 2017

Comments week 6

Katherine Gregory

Free post

               Thanksgiving break is a great time to spend time with family and friends. Also, it lets you refresh before you have to do all that studying for exams. It also gives you the opportunity to spend some time with your hobbies.                 Over, my thanksgiving break I Killed a doe and a buck in El Tesoro, Texas. I ate thanksgiving dinner at my grandmas house. She's the best cook ever! Next, since I am in the off-season for sports right now I spent some time lifting weights and hitting in the batting cage. Overall I had a great thanksgiving break. It was a good time to re-coop.

Thesis post

   Thesis:                            Ralph and Jack's relationship in lord of the flies by William Golding is constantly changing.  There relation goes from being friends and being very similar to Jack changing and them not talking to them wanting to kill each other. This aspect of the story is what show how the island can change people. Quote:"He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger." This is when jack paints his face and turns into a different person. Since, Jack turned into this different version of himself Ralph no longer trusted him because of the things this "mask" makes him do. This is one example of how the island corrupted jack.              

comments week 5

Thomas   Kitto  

Bob's Blues week 5

                    As Bob was leaving his aunts funeral he felt a cloud of darkness drift over him. He felt sick inside but he wasn't so sure why. As Bob was trying to overcome this feeling a street band started to play blues music. This set Bob over the edge. Bob sat down on a bench and started to cry. He cried about all of his lost family and friends. He also cried about all the things in life that weren't going his way. Bob saw all of the happy dads throwing the ball with there sons, all of of the cute puppies playing with there owners, and all the couples holding hands. As Bob sat on his bench next to the cemetery he wondered if this dark cloud would ever go away so he could be happy like all the other people around him. In this story the "dark cloud" and the blues music represent Bob grief and un happiness.

Lotf literary analysis week 5

                Piggy:] "I don't agree with all Jack said, but with some.  'Course there isn't a beast in the forest.  How could there be?  What would a beast eat?" "Pig." "We eat pig." "Piggy!" "I got the conch!" said Piggy indignantly.  "Ralph--they ought to shut up, oughtn't they?  You shut up, you littluns!  What I mean is that I don't agree about this here fear.  Of course there isn't nothing to be afraid of in the forest.  Why--I been there myself!  You'll be talking about ghosts and such things next.  We know what goes on and if there's something wrong, there's someone to put it right." He took off his glasses and blinked at them.  The sun had gone as if the light had been turned off. [...] "Life," said Piggy expansively, "is scientific, that's what it is.  In a year or two when the war's over they'll be traveling to Mars and back.  I know there isn

Q2 W4 comments

Kitto   Holloway

Vocal post

               When Captain Red Beard Woke up he had a strong desire to sail the seas in search for treasure. So, he put on his eye patch, fed his parrot, and rounded up his crew. Once in the boat the buccaneers mapped out there course from the torn old map. Next, the crew prepared the ship for the waters. Once, the sails were up and all was good the they sailed into the tropical abyss.                As the ship arrived to the destination a shark blitzed and rammed the side of the vessel casing it to slowly sink. All of the men were terrified because they realized that they would have to swim to shore in the shark infested waters. Once the pirates washed up on the beach they continued there reach for the treasure. Eventually, they found the large wooden box full of gold. However, Captain Red Beard realized that he had fulfilled his desire to obtain treasure, but had nothing to spend his booty on.

lord of the flies reading response

               Throughout the book Jack and Ralph have many ups and downs. Jack and Ralph have a lot in common such as, skill sets, some type of leadership, being older than most of the others on the island, etc. I feel as if these shared traits are what cause to two boys to fight for the alpha male spot on the island. Even though there is a struggle between the two for leader ship, they still have a sort of respect for the other person. What I think allows Ralph to be the leader as of now is his ruling with confidence and wisdom, instead of being like Jack and ruling by fear.                Next, I find that what the actual "lord of the flies" is quite interesting and disturbing at the same time. The "lord of the flies" is a cut of pig head on a pike that attracts flies. The pig head represents that the real beast is evil in human nature. In the story the only person who realizes this is Simon. This scene with the boars head and the flies also represents what can