Reading response.

             I recently read the short story A very old man with enormous wings. This story was written by  Gabriel Márquez. The entire setting of this short story is in Pelayo in Elisenda's courtyard.  The point of view in this story is Third person limited omniscient. Personally I feel like this story's genre is satire because it appears to be a fairy tale for children but it really is meant to show how ridiculous people can act while around something special like them old man with the wings.

             Next, multiple different themes are portrayed in this story. These themes include religion, the super natural, and being an outsider. This book show a theme of religion by the author referring to the  old man as an angel. Also, a lady in the story writes to a priest that doesn't believe that the old man is an angel. Next, a supernatural theme takes place in this story simply by the fact that there is a character with wings. Also, I feel as if supernatural is involved in the sort of creepy mood. Finally, the theme of being an outsider is a major part of this story. In the story the old man in really different from everyone else, he smells funny, he talks funny, and the fact that he has wings. These things are why people are afraid of him and treat him like a circus animal.


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