Story of Jimmy...

              Every night before jimmy goes to sleep he prays to God for a miracle and promises God that he will follow his laws. The next morning jimmy woke up in the tiny room thats he shared with his four brothers. Jimmy's school day was no better than any other day in jimmy's difficult life until he got into the car with his aunt. Every week his aunt buys a power ball ticket as a way too give the kids hope of a better life. Jimmy and his brothers were filled with joy when their aunt announced that her numbers were picked as the winning numbers. In all the excitement jimmy forgets his promises he made to God. From this day on jimmy's live was completely different. He had every thing any one could ever want. He had cars, mansions, girls, gold, planes, and even his own island. One day jimmy lost a law suit that resulted in him losing everything. As jimmy went to sleep that night in under a small bridge with multiple other homeless men he remembered the promises he made in his prayers.


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