Gameday/Free post

               Waking up in the morning knowing that you will be able to compete in whatever sport it is is a anxious but amazing feeling. On game day you always rest your body so that when it is time to compete your body is ready to take anything that is thrown at it. The saying Hydration is key is a very true thing. Hydrating before and on gameday makes a big difference is performance when it comes to game time. On game day I normally have much trouble focusing on anything else besides how I am going to fine a way to win the game ahead. 

               Different sports require different pre-game activities, but two required things that every pre-game routine needs are focus and determination. Personally, before games I like to listen to music. Listening to music helps to get you in the zone and allows you to block out any other distractions that might throw you off you game. Finally, giving teammates words of advise or encouragement can go a long way into giving you an edge on the opponent.


  1. Your post was very fun to read. I liked all the details you put in it. Good job!

  2. "The saying Hydration is key is a very true thing." I know what you mean. This blog had great structure.


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