
Showing posts from October, 2017

own prompt : What are some tricks and ways to manage your time at Episcopal after your first quarter?

                During the first quarter I feel like I did an ok job of figuring out the new environment. Also,  finding a ways to manage my time with football and being the freshman class vice president. Little tricks like realizing that if you complete all of your completion grades it gives you room for error on big tests can be very helpful. A few good ways to manage your time are to utilize your study hall correctly, go see teachers at tutorial if needed, and to get sleep!                              Study hall is a very special thing that episcopal provides to their students. This is why It is good utilize this hour of time set aside just for you. You should always have a plan for your study hall. For example, after I get home from football practice I do all of the home work for the classes I have before study hall that day. The reason I do this leads into my next topic. I save some homework for study hall so that I can go to bed early. Sleep is very important to the human bod

comments week 2

JC Julia

Human Nature

               Human Nature is a very complex topic that can be brought back all the way to the cavemen. Many different people have different views on human the topic of human nature. Some people believe that certain people are born evil and will always have malice inside of them no matter what happens. Some people believe that you can be born evil but you are able to change through situations that you are put through. I don't see either of these as the case.                              I believe that all people are born with good inside of them. Even though some are more prone to evil, one's personality or human nature if u will is defined by the choices a person makes and their actions. For example, if you choose to be around negative people you are more prone to be a negative person. These thoughts just scrape the surface of what human nature really is.

comments week 8

Julia   Christian Kitto  

Gameday/Free post

               Waking up in the morning knowing that you will be able to compete in whatever sport it is is a anxious but amazing feeling. On game day you always rest your body so that when it is time to compete your body is ready to take anything that is thrown at it. The saying Hydration is key is a very true thing. Hydrating before and on gameday makes a big difference is performance when it comes to game time. On game day I normally have much trouble focusing on anything else besides how I am going to fine a way to win the game ahead.                 Different sports require different pre-game activities, but two required things that every pre-game routine needs are focus and determination. Personally, before games I like to listen to music. Listening to music helps to get you in the zone and allows you to block out any other distractions that might throw you off you game. Finally, giving teammates words of advise or encouragement can go a long way into giving you an edge on the

Reading response.

             I recently read the short story A very old man with enormous wings. This story was written by  Gabriel Márquez. The entire setting of this short story is in Pelayo in   Elisenda's courtyard.  The point of view in this story is Third person limited  omniscient. Personally I feel like this story's genre is satire because it appears to be a fairy tale for children but it really is meant to show how ridiculous people can act while around something special like them old man with the wings.              Next, multiple different themes are portrayed in this story. These themes include religion, the super natural, and being an outsider. This book show a theme of religion by the author referring to the  old man as an angel. Also, a lady in the story writes to a priest that doesn't believe that the old man is an angel. Next, a supernatural theme takes place in this story simply by the fact that there is a character with wings. Also, I feel as if supernatural is involv

Harrison Bergeron

     Harrison Bergeron is a teenage genius who is seven feet tall. Harrison is extremely handsome. The year in this story is 2081.In this story the united states government tries to create equality among people both physically and mentally. A man called the handicapper general is in charge of doing of making the citizens equal. He does this by installing a "handicap" into the citizens heads. The handicap makes them all equally intelligent.      To the united states government of 2081 Harrison Bergeron is a major problem because he cannot be controlled by the government. Also, how is he supposed to promote equality as a seven foot fourteen year old with super model looks. In the story Harrison escapes his prison and infiltrates a live tv show with ballerinas. While on the show he makes out with multiple different girls and portals that he is above every one else. In the end you don't really know if the show is just made up or if it really happened because the tv that was

week 7 comments

Thomas Emma

Story of Jimmy...

              Every night before jimmy goes to sleep he prays to God for a miracle and promises God that he will follow his laws. The next morning jimmy woke up in the tiny room thats he shared with his four brothers. Jimmy's school day was no better than any other day in jimmy's difficult life until he got into the car with his aunt. Every week his aunt buys a power ball ticket as a way too give the kids hope of a better life. Jimmy and his brothers were filled with joy when their aunt announced that her numbers were picked as the winning numbers. In all the excitement jimmy forgets his promises he made to God. From this day on jimmy's live was completely different. He had every thing any one could ever want. He had cars, mansions, girls, gold, planes, and even his own island. One day jimmy lost a law suit that resulted in him losing everything. As jimmy went to sleep that night in under a small bridge with multiple other homeless men he remembered the promises he made in