Dear 11 year old

         Dear 11 year old,

At this age it is good to start learning more about yourself. Your going to want to find two or three things that your are good at and start to work hard at these things and build your life around them. For  example, if you have a strong passion for mathematics you need to go over equations and rules by yourself without anyone asking you to be above average at your passion. Always listen to your parents ands do your chores. These are two very little, but very important things because they built up trust between you and you parents. This trust will allow you to have more freedom when you are older. Finally, eleven comes with new responsibilities and new freedom it is good to take it on wisely a d with a positive attitude.


  1. Our blog entries were quite similar. I think that we have a similar mind set when it comes to talents.

  2. I agree with your advice for 11 year olds. I like how you included examples to go more into detail. Good job:)

  3. Our blogs are very alike in some ways and we agree on the same things where you will find the things that you are good at. Good job!!


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