
Showing posts from September, 2017

Blog Comments Week 5

Thomas-Dialouge . Evan -Author


          "Hey bro. Do you want to go shoot some hoops?', asked James. His younger brother Mark replied, "Yeah sure. As soon as I am done with my math and science homework." Next James asked " Is there anything that I can help you with so you can get it done faster? I really need to practice on my shot." Mark replied " The fastest way for me to get my work done is for you to leave." "Ok Mr.Sassy pants." James said.           When the boys arrived in their drive way where the basketball gaol was Mark asked ," Why did I have to out here with you anyways." " So that you can rebound my shots and pass the ball back to me so that I am able to get more reps in." James exclaimed Stubbornly. "Fine. The only way that i'll do this for you is if you is if you let me shoot two." said mark just as stubborn. They shook hands and both said, "DEAL."

Mint Snowball Naomi shahab nai

          I have read a few of Naomi's poems and narratives, but I still am hooked on Mint Snowball. The first time I read this narrative I was completely confused. I had zero idea of what the voice of the author was. However, as I started to read it again and again and I started to realize how deep the voice and the feelings of the author were. Especially, when we went over it in class.                     The way that she explains her feelings interests me because everytime I read it I find new feelings and details. The fact that she is able to write this much emotion about a snowball is incredible. The ending when she concludes the narrative with the series of open questions. All in all this story really effected the way that I read narratives.

Blog Comments Week 2

Nick-summer experience Julia-summer experience

The Necessary Beggar

          Right now I am reading The Necessary Beggar  by Susan Palwick. Next, I am just going to fill you in if you didn't read my last blog on this topic. This book starts off with a family being punished by being banished from their realm. When they are banished they magically transport to our planet earth. This family must adapt to the new languages and cultures of the people of their new planet in order to fit in.                     In this book the author keeps the full meaning of "The Necessary Beggar" a mystery. However, she gives clues and snippets as to what is going on. In my opinion this is a very effective writing technique because it keeps the readers attention and creates a thrilling suspense as to what will happen next. Finally, I am looking forward to reading the rest of this exhilarating book.

Blog Comments week 4

Gregory-Check.Mate?   Thomas-Dear 6 year old  

Dear 11 year old

         Dear 11 year old, At this age it is good to start learning more about yourself. Your going to want to find two or three things that your are good at and start to work hard at these things and build your life around them. For  example, if you have a strong passion for mathematics you need to go over equations and rules by yourself without anyone asking you to be above average at your passion. Always listen to your parents ands do your chores. These are two very little, but very important things because they built up trust between you and you parents. This trust will allow you to have more freedom when you are older. Finally, eleven comes with new responsibilities and new freedom it is good to take it on wisely a d with a positive attitude.

comments week three

Julia- Fangirl Austin-summerfun

Hurricane Katrina

          I don't really remember hurricane Katrina because I was only two years old. However, people often tell me how brutal and horrific it was and how devastating it was to the city and people of New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina is one of the five deadliest hurricanes in history with 1,833 fatalities. It took place from august 23, 2005 to august 31. The wind speeds got up to around 175 MPH. Katrina was the costliest atlantic hurricane in history. All the rain from the hurricane caused the levee in new orleans to break and flood this is what caused most of the deaths. Finally, the people of lousiana all came together as a family to get over this major hump in there lives.

The Necessary Beggar

          The current outside reading book that I am reading is called the necessary beggar. so far in the story it has explained the setting and the situation of a family who was banished from there home. It also explains a ritual that one of the daughter wants to perform at her wedding involving the "necessary beggar".  The author engages the readers attention by some what explaining what is happening but  leaving you hanging in some ways. When the author was writing this story he was most definitely not happy because of the mood of the story. Finally, I am exited to so see what happened next in this book.