
Strengths and challenges

               As a writer I don't have many strengths. However, I have a few. I am good at following a format for essays, writing made up stories, and writing true stories. If I am writing a paper and I have all of the guidelines on a piece of paper telling when to put what where I am all set. When I write fictional stories I always have a fun time because I have a very good imagination and a free mind. I am also good a telling stories because I am good a remembering the little fun things in situations.                A a writer I have mostly challenges because I am just simply not good at it, never was. Things that I am not good at are Literary analysis, Quoting sources, and concluding my writing. Literary analysis sis is hard for me because I am not good a reading in the first place so how an I supposed to write about reading. Quoting sources for me has always been a challenge because I have trouble relating characters talking to the rest of my paper and my points. Finally, cr

hits and misses

               Even though English is not my strong suit, and most wring assignments that I do aren't the best out there, I feel like some of them were better than others. Through out this English one class Dr.D has pushed us to do our best a every thing that we do. For me this pressure did good and bad things, hits and misses. If I felt like I "missed" on something I always found a way to improve myself in that aspect of writing with Dr.D's help. Out of all the assignments, papers and projects that we have done this year I feel like most of them have been misses, however there have been a few hits that mean even more now because of the large amounts of misses.                 In this English one class we have done everything from blogs to books to personal narratives. One of my biggest hits has been I really feel as if my vocabulary has widened very much. I also feel as if the personal narrative was a hit because I got to chose what I was writing ab


nick Thomas

purple hibiscus reading response

A lot of juicy things are happening right now in the story. One thing is that Kambili is falling in love with the priest. This is a very inappropriate crush because she might be causing the priest to do unpreist like things. However, it is hard to blame her because she has never really had contact with any guys her age besides her dad and her brother. This is her dads fault for keeping her so secluded. Another major event in this section is when Kambili won't let go of the painting so her dad beats her to a pulp. First of all this is a complete over reaction on papa's part. Next, I found myself wondering why the doctors at the hospital didn't report abuse because they had to know what was going on. Then I remembered that papa build the hospital. I also realized that the doctors weren't doing anything about the abuse because they knew how much power papa had so they didn't dare go against him. Many other important things happened in this section like Ade Coker gett

power rangers

Growing up I had many children shows that I enjoyed watching. But there was a show that I was absolutely obsessed with. The show was Power rangers. I had power rangers everything, From bed sheets, to cups, to t-shirts. Any spare moment I had I would yell at my parents to put on power rangers because the only thing I was worried about was if the red ranger could lead his team to defeat the bad guy. You would think that after watching power rangers almost every day for years I would get tired of them but I never really did. I was so obsessed with the power rangers that I can still tell you almost anything you want to know about them. For example, I still know that when the bad guy dies he has the power to reincarnate into a much larger version off himself, this caused all of the power rangers to combine their zords to create a mega zord. Zords are the machines that the rangers could control with their ranger powers to attack and defeat enemies. Pretty nerdy right? I even sometimes catc


JC Zoe