purple hibiscus reading response

A lot of juicy things are happening right now in the story. One thing is that Kambili is falling in love with the priest. This is a very inappropriate crush because she might be causing the priest to do unpreist like things. However, it is hard to blame her because she has never really had contact with any guys her age besides her dad and her brother. This is her dads fault for keeping her so secluded.

Another major event in this section is when Kambili won't let go of the painting so her dad beats her to a pulp. First of all this is a complete over reaction on papa's part. Next, I found myself wondering why the doctors at the hospital didn't report abuse because they had to know what was going on. Then I remembered that papa build the hospital. I also realized that the doctors weren't doing anything about the abuse because they knew how much power papa had so they didn't dare go against him. Many other important things happened in this section like Ade Coker getting blown up and papa nwukku dies.


  1. I love your word choice. It is very eye catching and descriptive. Good job responding.

  2. I liked how you commented on Kambili getting beaten and no one doing anything about it because they know who her dad is and what he means and has done. Great elaboration dude!


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