
Showing posts from January, 2018


Katie Gregory

research update.

                    My research question is "what were the burial and afterlife beliefs of the ancient egytians?". I have a primary source that is just a pic sure of a pyramid. Even though this source is just a picture it tells a lot about the setting and size of the massive tombs of Egypt. Also, I feel like my four subtopics really sport my research question. They will really help me when it is time to actually write my paper. The topic of ancient Egypt really interest me. I think it will make for a good research paper.                                

Reading response.

               So far this book has been a good read and very interesting. I love how the story is told through the eyes of junior. I also, like this diary like format with al the picture because it makes it a lot easier to read. Im so glad that you gave us this book to read while we do this paper because it really helps take stress of my research paper.               I also enjoy the constant comic relief that junior incorporates into the serious situations in the story. Also, how junior is not a reliable narrator makes the book that much more interesting to read. Finally, I love how the pictures actually have meaning in the story.

new semester reflection

Three thing that I learned in the fall semester that I can use in the spring semester are that tutorial is a very important and useful time, take good notes so that when exams come around you are prepared to study, and to use your time wisely especially while participating in afterschool activities. If you don’t use your teacher’s knowledge at tutorial you are more likely to make bad grades. During the first quarter I came to a realization that high-school is a big step up. So a good way to adjust to this step up is to create ways to help success like setting reminders and setting goals. You can set reminders on your laptop using the reminders app or using the calender built into your computer. You could also use a paper calenderer to keep track of your stuff. These are two techniques that I use to try to help me to remember to do my work. My goals for this semester are to make As and Bs while participating in baseball.

ECL post/ research

My research is going very well for my paper. I thought that I would have some trouble finding sources for my topic but I was wrong. There is plenty information on Egyptian burial beliefs in the databases provided by the school library. My four sub-topics include animals in ancient Egyptian religion, The book of the dead, the pyramids, and mummies and coffins. Hopefully these for topics can spark some good note cards. However, there are also some things that haven’t been going so well. One thing that wasn’t good was that I had to start my annotated bibliography late because of a sudden topic change. My topic was originally supposed to be on pirates but I couldn’t find any good sources on the provided data base. So I changed my topic to ancient Egypt.

sneaux day

My snow days mostly consisted of Spotify and Netflix but when I did play in the snow it was fun. I rode my bike down to my friend berks house to have a snow ball fight. I probably slipped and fell a good five times on my way there. But it was worth it because one I got there we had the best snow ball fight of all time. We also took the four wheeler out for a quick spin. It was so weird to see the neighborhood in all white because it is such a rare thing. Next berks dad took us to get burgers at curbside burgers. Finally to end the day we went to shoot skeet.