Harrison Bergeron

     Harrison Bergeron is a teenage genius who is seven feet tall. Harrison is extremely handsome. The year in this story is 2081.In this story the united states government tries to create equality among people both physically and mentally. A man called the handicapper general is in charge of doing of making the citizens equal. He does this by installing a "handicap" into the citizens heads. The handicap makes them all equally intelligent.

     To the united states government of 2081 Harrison Bergeron is a major problem because he cannot be controlled by the government. Also, how is he supposed to promote equality as a seven foot fourteen year old with super model looks. In the story Harrison escapes his prison and infiltrates a live tv show with ballerinas. While on the show he makes out with multiple different girls and portals that he is above every one else. In the end you don't really know if the show is just made up or if it really happened because the tv that was being described in the story shuts off.


  1. Good job Peyton on this reflection. I like you described Harrison and how he feels throughout the story.

  2. I like how you described Harrison and explained the basic plot. However, the handicap general was a girl, just saying.

  3. Great post! I feel that if someone didn't read the whole story but read this they would get a great general idea on what the story is about.

  4. Wonderful post mate!! I had the same thoughts about this story. I thought it was weird how he was 7 feet tall and only 14.

  5. This reflection provides great of Harrison and how peculiar he is. I really enjoyed reading it!

  6. I liked your reflection. It was good.

  7. This a good reflection. I like how you described how Harrison felt throughout the story.

  8. Good reflection and description. Good job.


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