own prompt : What are some tricks and ways to manage your time at Episcopal after your first quarter?

                During the first quarter I feel like I did an ok job of figuring out the new environment. Also,  finding a ways to manage my time with football and being the freshman class vice president. Little tricks like realizing that if you complete all of your completion grades it gives you room for error on big tests can be very helpful. A few good ways to manage your time are to utilize your study hall correctly, go see teachers at tutorial if needed, and to get sleep!

               Study hall is a very special thing that episcopal provides to their students. This is why It is good utilize this hour of time set aside just for you. You should always have a plan for your study hall. For example, after I get home from football practice I do all of the home work for the classes I have before study hall that day. The reason I do this leads into my next topic. I save some homework for study hall so that I can go to bed early. Sleep is very important to the human body it allows us to perform better in the classroom! Finally, tutorial is a great time to ask your teachers any questions that you might have about anything.    


  1. This blog post was so helpful! It inspired me to get on that student athlete grind.

  2. I enjoyed your post! I am in a similar situation and I would love to know the answer to that question as well!

  3. Study hall is a great time to get stuff done. I agree with this post.


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